Chloe Robinson’s

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The sixth location on the trail is Chloe Robinson’s flower shop at 35 Regent Road, on the corner of Normans Place, where Market Street crosses Regent Road.

Chloe Robinson

The sixth location on the trail is Chloe Robinson’s flower shop at 35 Regent Road, on the corner of Normans Place, where Market Street crosses Regent Road. Market Street was at one time called Bowdon Road and was originally part of the funeral route, known as burying lane, going from Old Market Place to the church graveyard at Bowdon. The land on the left was called Norman’s field, named after the landowner, and in 1784 a cotton spinning mill was built here, and the flower shop was the mill house attached to the factory. Originally the mill was 62ft long and four storeys high but when the Earl of Stamford bought the house, mill and land, the mill was reduced to two storeys, and six cottages were created from the house and mill. The present day Edwardian extension of the flower shop was carried out in 1910. Houses in Normans Place are late Georgian and early Victorian. The Georgian terrace, numbers 2 to 8, was built around 1810 and is listed as part of a Conservation Area. Following the burying track up the Narrows it becomes the Bowdon Road again and continuing southwest along The Firs, previously called Burying Lane, it heads towards St Mary’s Church.

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Georgian cottages